November, 2024
The Temple Of Memory has been selected for the Proxima showcase by Doc at Work, Industry section of the Festival dei Popoli - Florence.
→ festivaldeipopoli
June, 2024
The Temple Of Memory obtained the Toscana Doc Film Fund (production).
October, 07th 2023
The Temple Of Memory was awarded the special mention at the Major Docs Pitch 2023 - Palma de Mallorca.
→ majordocs
September, 22nd 2023
The temple Of Memory was awarded the special mention at the Premio Solinas Documentario 2023.
→ premio solinas
July, 13th 2023
The temple Of Memory has been selected among the finalist for the Premio Solinas Documentario 2023.
→ premio solinas
February, 27th 2023
The temple Of Memory obtained the Piemont Doc Film Fund (production).
→ film commision torino piemonte
December, 2022
After the curfew - visioni oltre il confine.
Live-cinema at B.U.C.O, Bologna
A cura di Alberto Gemmi
November, 26th 2022
Early in the morning, live-cinema - Bologna
October, 21st 2022
Early in the morning, live-cinema - Bologna
September, 15th 2022
The Temple Of Memory has been officially selected to the Industry meeting.
Visioni dal Mondo Festival - Milan.
→ visionidalmondo
May, 14th 2022
Undream by Marco Bolognesi (2k, col, 60’, 2021). Cinema Lumière, Bologna.
Shooting super8: Alberto Gemmi
→ cinetecadibologna
→ trailer
December, 15th 2021
Shooting for Undream by the artist Marco Bolognesi. The film will be presented for the next Art City Week - Bologna.
→ marcobolognesi
→ bomarstudio
November, 13th 2021
Labyrinth, video installation for the artist Francesca Pasquali - Fondazione Lercaro and Bologna Jazz Festival.
→ bolognajazzfestival
→ fondazionelercaro
November, 9th 2021
Labyrinth, video installation for the artist Francesca Pasquali - Torre Unipol - Bologna.
→ francescapasquali
September, 25th 2021
Lago Santa Maria (Castiglione de’ Pepoli). Sentiero delle lucciole, a video-performance in the wood.
→ lagolandia
November, 20th 2020
Le Giornate del Restauro 2020. Focus on photography, cinema and audiovisual. Meeting with Alberto Gemmi. Cinema (in)visibile. Processi e trasformazioni attorno al restauro del film.
July, 2020
Ogni Opera di Confessione has been finally published on DAFILMS!!!

→ dafilms
June, 13th 2020
Une Promenade Egyptienne, on-line screening CINEMA NOTRE VIE
→ caucaso
June, 10th 2020
Go Burning Atacama Go, on-line screening CINEMA NOTRE VIE
→ caucaso
June, 2nd 2020
I Colonnelli di Roma, on-line screening CINEMA NOTRE VIE
→ caucaso
April, 4th 2020
Early in the morning, live-cinema - Bologna (CANCELED)
February, 28th 2020
The temple Of Memory obtained the Piemont Doc Film Fund (development).
Warm thanks to Gianluca De Angelis and Mattia Puleo who strongly belived in this project.
→ film commision torino piemonte
December, 7th 2019
Early in the morning, live-cinema - Bologna
September, 2019
Shooting Hugo Roncal, La Paz - Bolivia
August, 16th 2019
Mü festival, screening Tanger, Vervò - Trentino-Alto Adige
August, 3rd 2019
Vizio di forma, theater, Reattore della Centrale ENEA sul lago Brasimone - Bologna
→ archiviozeta
June, 13th - 15th 2019
Futapass has been officially selected to Bio to B – Doc & Biopic Business Meeting, Biografilm Festival.
→ biografilm
April, 1st - 30th 2019
Tanger, video exhibition, LiTE-HAUS Galerie - Berlin (DE)
Curator: Dalida Kibir
February, 5th - 6th 2019
Vizio di forma, theater, Teatro delle passioni - Modena
→ archiviozeta
October, 24th 2018
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Fondazione Benetton Studi Ricerche - Treviso
April, 13th 2018
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Porthmeor Studios - St. Ives (UK)
March, 21st 2018
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Cineteca di Bologna
October, 12th 2017
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Centro culturale Aldo Moro - Chieti
October, 06th 2017
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Cinelab Giuseppe Bertolucci - Lecce
May, 04th - 09th 2017
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, BJCEM – Biennale dei giovani artisti del Mediterraneo - Tirana (AL)
May, 03rd 2017
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Premio Marcellino de Baggis - Taranto
March, 12th 2017
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, L’Italia che non si vede - Roma
January, 27th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Innesti urban - Reggio Emilia
November, 17th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Racconti dal vero - Roma
November, 13th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, ViaEmiliaDocFest - Modena
November, 09th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Riusciranno I Nostri Eroi - Reggio Emilia
October, 29th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Mediterranean Landscapes - Viterbo
October, 15th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Religion Today Film Festival - Trento
July, 15th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Euganea Film Festival - Padova
July, 09th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, MAGASIN Centre National d’Art Contemporain Grenoble - Grenoble (FR)
June, 29th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, screening, Ischia Film Festival - Ischia
May, 29th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, italian première, Bellaria Film Festival - Bellaria
April, 15th - 16th 2016
Ogni Opera di Confessione, international première, Visions du Réel - Nyon (CH)
July, 3rd 2015
SINAI - un autre pas sur la terre, official selection, Genova Film Festival - Genova
February, 28th 2015
SINAI - un autre pas sur la terre, official selection, Visioni Italiane, Cineteca di Bologna - Bologna
November, 24th 2014
SINAI - un autre pas sur la terre, international première, Torino Film Festival - Torino